Why Women aren't Crazy

Today started out like a regular Friday, nothing special. My day started as usual with my daily routine, when I got to work, I started checking my FB to see what new posts my friends posted, and I came across one interesting post, that stirred up a lot of emotions. I actually waited till afternoon to write my post here, had to get my emotion settle, before I was able to write

At first what caught my eye was the word "gaslighting", I had no clue what it meant, so I proceeded to click on the link, mind you, it was like 7:30 in the morning, and I do not drink coffee :). So I finish reading this article, and it has me almost in tears by the end of it. Ok, I do admit that I am feeling a little bit more emotional than usual at this time of the month, but still...  
I am married second time around, and my first husband was verbally abusive to me, and I married him when I was 18, very impressionable at that young age. Its really hard to realize when you are being mentally abused, until you find enough guts to leave, and see it from afar. Of course I will believe that I am stupid and good for nothing, if its told to me all the time, it just going to make me quiet and I will be keeping my opinions to myself, in order to avoid being put down. That makes him stronger, and now he has the power over me. My self worth is lower than the floor, why would anyone want me if my opinion does not matter, and nobody wants to hear me out. I swallow it, and keep going, I feel like I cant open my mouth to say anything, because it will get him mad, and its even worse. 
It is so easy to  fall back into the same state of mind with just a simple comment. For instance, I express something to my husband, and he turns everything into a joke, but its not funny for me, and I am not laughing, I don't want to be dismissed, my opinion matters, I am upset not because I am PMSing, I am upset because my feelings are not validated and I am not acknowledged.
I work hard to provide for my family, I deserve respect and love, and the more I do, the less I am being appreciated.
I asked my husband to read  this article, and I was speechless by his comment "oh, she is depressed one-sided bitch." I do agree that she was writing from her point of view, and I recognize that women do same things to men, but it still does not change the effect of "gaslighting". It really bothered me that he failed to recognize that, if I asked him to read this article, it meant something deeper to me. Next comment was "it has nothing to do with us". From my position, it is really hard to stand up for myself, as I am so used to being dismissed. I am almost scared to bring up the subject, and now I got my courage to speak up. I had to really explain to him that if I am upset and say something, I don't want a solution, I just want more compassion, and I don't want my feeling to be dismissed. In the end he finally saw my point. It was such a relief. 


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