Bonnie and Clyde

I had a very interesting birthday. I know it's been a while since I posted anything, but I should probably start from the beginning.

As you all know by now I am a model and I also do some fetish shoots, I like it, and I am not afraid to admit it, especially when I get paid. So this couple booked me for a shoot, everything started out standard, my name, his name, her name, then we started getting into specifics, they showed me a couple of pics of what they are looking for, some light bondage, some toys, and massage.

What? Wait, you want me to come over, then you want to give me a massage, make me feel good, then blindfold me and make me enjoy myself, and I get paid? Yeah, that works for me, how soon would you like to shoot? And this is where it all started. My birthday was coming up and we were going over the best time and date for the shoot, and it looked like it was Aug 4th, I was planning on spending my birthday at the ocean, camping, but with the weather being bad we had to change our plans, not important, so I am telling him that my birthday is coming up and he says…guess what? It's his birthday as well. We share the same birthday!!! Same day!!! How cool is that? My brain is spinning, now I have to show up with a present, how can I not give a present to someone who shares my birthday? What do I give to a person who shares your birthday that you have never met? 

Suddenly I remember – I am a model, and who would not want to have a beautiful picture of a model on their wall. Now that was settled, and we continued talking via sms. We found we have a lot in common and conversation was getting heated up, it was interesting and intriguing, at some moment it gotten to the point where we needed to pull out and redirect the flow. Clyde was fine, Bonnie was getting upset, she was beginning to feel left out and now they wanted to postpone the shoot. It was totally fine with me, I can shoot this week, next week or a few weeks from now makes no difference, accept that I was really looking forward to it. But it is what it is.

Since we stayed in town for my birthday, I had a free day, so we decided to get the strain out of our discussions and put Bonnie's mind to rest, that nothing strange and evil was being plotted behind her back. We decided to meet half way at the bookstore. I already had my present picked out, so I wrapped it up and set off to meet new people. After all, it's nice to meet people in advance before they get to see you in the “Eve’s” costume.  We exchanged pics in advance so it was easy to recognize them.

I walked into the bookstore and walked towards the cafeteria where I spotted them right away. They appeared to be a lovely couple, she looked like very sweet and very warm person. Little hard to understand because she had hearing problems, but Clyde was able to help me understand everything she said. They both sat at the opposite sides of the small table, leaving me in the center, right away he asked what I wanted to drink, and he left to place an order. For about a minute we just sat there looking into each other’s eyes, her blueish gray looking back into my dark brown. Like she was trying to see what was behind my smile, behind my long hair that I always hide under, behind that tiny dress that I had on, she put her hand on my arm and it felt very warm and soft and reassuring. 

Finally Clyde returned with our drinks and sipping hot beverages pulled away from her gaze. I was thankful for that because I was having a hard time understanding her. Clyde – imagine that – same color eyes are Bonnie. Very clean on the outside, and just as dirty as me on the inside, the mind runs 1000 miles per second, just like mine, before Bonnie gets to express her wish, he is already planned and set up everything she wants, hm… just like me, lol.

The gift exchange was fun, at first I made him open his present, he had no idea what to expect from a big paper bag with a sign “for a couple” on the bag. It felt so warm and fuzzy on the inside to see their reaction once they saw the picture. It was a beautiful black & white shot of me wrapped up in rope on the steel table. Right away he is looking for a pen, I had a pen in my purse so I give it to him I had no idea what he needed that pen for, he turns towards me and asks to sign the back of the frame. OMG, nobody ever asked me for an autograph before, I am flattered. Now was time for my present, I got a beautiful pair of cuffs, very interesting burgundy color, that should be really good for my shoots and hopefully, play.  

We talked a little bit about everything and nothing, and he asked me if I ever sold my undergarments. My what? Really? Why? Who would buy that? And that brought up the whole new subject. I am sitting there and thinking, again, why not, if there is a market for it, why not make some money on the side doing it. And this brings us to my next post….. 


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