
Every friendship is a relationship. The word “Friend” – it says so much and so little. We use this word so freely, sometimes we say “friend” when we talk about someone we just met, because you can't introduce some one as “here meet Bob, he is my acquaintance”  it sounds so much better when you say “Meet my friend Bob”.  When does a person cross the line going from an acquaintance to a friend?  I don't think anyone can answer that question. I do know that once you start talking about something that makes you feel vulnerable than a person gets a “Friend” status, because you will just not be talking about personal things with someone you just met. But then again, it is always easier to spill your soul to someone you don’t know and will never meet, then someone close, because you are afraid of being judged. And the older you get the harder it is to make friends. 

When my husband turns on one of his games and the screen reads “You have no friends” it looks so sad. And then I realized that my husband does not really have any friends. He does not have anyone in his phone who he can call to chat. He does not have anyone in his contact list that he would want to spend 10 minutes of the day on. I mean, yes, I am his closest friend, but it is always nice to have more than just one. For me, if I don't feel good, and something is bothering me emotionally, I collect a “support group” for myself. I talk openly about the problem, and I am not afraid of being judged, I need those people for my support. And my friends do the same when my support is needed.

Internet friendship is also possible, I have few internet friends myself. One, I used to call him my “virtual boyfriend” we used to talk every day online, when people used messenger like ICQ. He was in my life for about 15 years now, granted we no longer have lengthy conversations, but I still follow him on Facebook, and I know that he follows me. I never had any intention on meeting him in real life, and it took a lot of pressure off our relationship.

And now speaking of the Facebook friends. I think BF is fantastic, it brings people closer, but on the same note it draws people apart. From one hand you know everything that is going on in your friend’s life (depending on what he/she posts), but from another it is not personal. It is great, if you are posting pics, and just want to keep up, but it's not very personal, nobody wants to parade their personal and deep emotions online. That is something that’s done over a glass of wine or a cup of tea.

Friends with benefits – now that’s an awesome concept. No strings, no worries, no feelings. I used to have a friend with benefits, but that grew into affair very soon, it became emotional, and then I ended up marrying that guy, lol. Other than that I have never had friends with benefits, so I can't really say much about it. I think it would be nice though. 

Best friends are hard to come by. When you find someone you can call “Best Friend” you want to hold on to that person forever and ever. Because those will give you the last shirt of their back if you would need it, and you will do the same thing for them.



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